What is the best amp pairing you have personally made with the Klipsch La Scala AL-5

I'm going to make a change in my 2nd system that uses Klipsch La Scala AL-5 speakers.  I am looking for the dream pairing!   Batter-Up and thanks in advance.
Art Audio Diavolo.  It is a 300B based SET and has a very classic sound but is insanely quiet.  This is a truly great amp.  

I am the importer of Art Audio so I am obviously biased but a classic sounding 300B SET will make them shine like the sun.  There as some 300Bs that are less of a good fit as they are more linear.   

845s and PX25s are a bit too linear.  A good EL34 amp will work but you want a less modern design as you want it to be rolled off a bit.  I can think a few products that might be a little bright.  
No amps hooked to the AL-5s at the moment.  I have Coincident Frankenstein 300B SET monoblocks in my primary system and have briefly toted them into the room with the AL5's but they did not really have the balls needed for these speakers.  Sounded great on the mids/highs but the mid base & base was soft / recessed.  So hence I am curious hearing from people that own the AL5's and have found a really good amp pairing. 
“I am looking for the dream pairing!”
Look for Accuphase Integrated, preferably in Class A. And you’re done! 
@lalitk so you have run an Accuphase integrated with the La Sacla?  Tell me more.
I know this is an older conversation, but I have my La Scala AL-5s powered by a pair of McIntosh MC275s. I’m sure a lot of people here would think this is overkill with a MC275 per speaker, but it sounds amazing to me. I am completely enveloped in sound without crazy db levels.