Power cable recommendations for wyred 4 sound Sti-Intergrated amp

Hello, Looking for any recommendations on a aftermarket power cord for this integrated amp from previous users or current owners. (Brands/gauge) is the aftermarket power cable a worthwhile upgrade for a class D amp? Thanks for any info.

Stay away from Pangea.  I tried them and they sucked the life out of my system, back they went to Audio Advisor. I use Shunyata exclusively in my systems. 
Shunyata power cords are good however they can get pricey.
My suggestion is a lot of bang for the smaller dollar spent.
To beat the Raven Audio power cord (and a few other brands) you have to spend hundreds of dollars more.
I’m as guilty as anyone else and I’ll admit it, within several systems I have set up I own many expensive power cords. If you wanted more expensive suggestions I'd recommend in any order: High Fidelity power cords, Cerious Technology Matrix, Less Los C-Marc, Shunyata Anaconda Vx.
I suggest getting a home demo of Clarity Cable Vortex power cords. Google James Romeyn and I’m sure he will send you some to audition. All systems/preferences are different, but in my system I preferred Vortex power cords over Shunyata Sigmas, Wireworld Platinum, Audioquest Hurricanes, Audioquest Dragons, and High Fidelity CT-2 power cords. You results may differ.
+2, soix. 
I use Audio Envy in my system. I would recommend their Ocean Mega 3 for your Integrated. 
Stay away from Pangea!

Why don't you use their own (W$S) cables? They look good and are reasonably priced, especially if you stick with their standard connectors:
