Upgrade cartridge or something else?

Here's a friend's turntable:

Current model Rega P3 with the RB330 arm. It has been upgraded with the Groovetracer Reference sub-platter, the Rega tungsten counterweight, the Rega white belt and the Rega Neo PSU speed controller along with a linear power supply upgrade.

The first cartridge was the Rega Elys 2. The Elys 2 was replaced by the Clearaudio Performer ($400 at that time), which was a definite improvement in sound quality.

Do you think that this table is where it should be or should the Clearaudio Performer be upgraded and if so, what would the practical dollar limit be in this case? Should he consider doing something else instead?

Thank you for your input.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwh777
I want to add a little clarity to the "something else" question. What I was after is, where is the smarter expenditure? Should he upgrade the cart or  do something else to this turntable or move up to a higher level table? 
Teo audio CBP.

As for expected qualities, that is up to the person trying it out to discern.

They have a 30 day trial, where you return it if you don’t like it. Monies refunded.

A first for phono cartridges.

I’m happy to be able to say...Not a single one has come back.

Batting a thousand, So far.

Thus, there’s gotta be something going on in there ...that makes it work.... 

Even better: you can change the stylus out to  a shibata or microline yourself, at an insanely low price, with zero captive pricing or service issues. User replaceable. buy the Shibata/ ML stylus from anyone.  Where, at that point you'll be equal to or in the same area as the best MM's on the planet. Depending on your analysis, you might find it to then be, with the better stylus..to be the best MM possible.  

What's not to like?
When you have a product as good as the Teo Audio CBP cartridge at the ridiculous price and a money back guarantee that they are selling it for, it would be shameful not to bring it up. Just sayin. enjoy the music