Super new to record players

Hello all. I’ve just been gifted a Thorens TD 190. I need a new Stylist. Does anyone have any recommendations and a place where I can get it? Does anyone know how I can adjust the lid to stay open on its own? It keeps falling down. Thank
You can find the one withinin your budget from Nagaoka, Audio Technica, Goldring.

Goldring cartridges are hard to find in this country.  Well worth considering though.
You either have to add a vertical post to hold it up or change the hinges to torque hinges.  I had an old Linn on which I used some of these and it worked perfectly and holds up a 5lb lid even at 30 degrees.  You can get even stronger ones from Sugatsune.
Wondering if OP might have a MC (moving coil) cartridge that he is plugging into an MM (moving magnet) input on his pre-amp/integrated/receiver?  Wouldn’t that explain the low volume?