Von Schweikert VR-33

Can anyone who has actually heard them offers some feedback on there sonic traits? I have speakers which I really love in a well thought out, emotional system, but recent room layout changes have reignited an ongoing speaker placement battle which I'm growing quite tired of.

The thought of placing these things a foot or less away from the wall without concerns about toe or anything like that is exteremly appealing.

Anyone with ACTUAL experience, please share your thoughts. I'd rather this thread not dissolve into crap like the prior vr33 thread.

I'm aware of the VR-35s but the price difference is substantial. I have a pair of VR-33s which will be delivered to me early in the New Year, so eventually I'l have a chance to try them in my own room. In the meantime I'm interested in comments from people who have heard them as to what I might expect.

Theres a few professional reviews, a good bit of marketing and a couple threads on Audiocircle, but for the most part there is little to no feedback on 'em.

I'm traditionally a single driver guy and I have a hard time believing these will be better than my Soul Superflys under ideal conditions, but right now my listening room (aka family room) doesn't really allow for ideal or even VG conditions. Having something against the wall is a major plus.

My dad owns some earlier Von Schweikert design Clearfield Continentals which have sounded great under the right circumstances and I had a pair of VR-1s I never cared for much, so I'm not sure what to expect.
I am not able to help you, but I am in the same situation. I was about to pull the trigger on a pair of Vandersteens, until I came across these VR-33. I also tried to find info and agree with you on the Audiogon thread. Please let me know how yours sound when you get them. I find it interesting to be able to put them close to the wall.
I am curious. Since you already bought them and are awaiting delivery, what is the reasoning behind asking opinions now? You will be biased for or against them before they even arrive. I think any opinion expressed here will be potentially destructive to your enjoyment. Don't take offense, just wondering.

12-25-11: Tgrisham
I am curious. Since you already bought them and are awaiting delivery, what is
the reasoning behind asking opinions now?
might be able to offer tips on getting the best from them--placement, break-in,
amp-matching, room treatments, etc. so he doesn't prematurely decide against
them and send them back.
My preferences are pretty set and I frequently find myself dissenting from the majority in terms of gear preferences. I'm not worried about tainting the water but am quite curious as to what I might expect.

I'm also prettying concerned about my amps ability to drive them. I have a Decware Torii 3 I'm not ready to let go of but it puts out 26wpc and, though I've read some favorable things with 35watts, VSA seems to recommend a minimum of 50...

I guess time will tell.