Von Schweikert VR-33

Can anyone who has actually heard them offers some feedback on there sonic traits? I have speakers which I really love in a well thought out, emotional system, but recent room layout changes have reignited an ongoing speaker placement battle which I'm growing quite tired of.

The thought of placing these things a foot or less away from the wall without concerns about toe or anything like that is exteremly appealing.

Anyone with ACTUAL experience, please share your thoughts. I'd rather this thread not dissolve into crap like the prior vr33 thread.
I have VR-33s. I have them 9" from the wall, which is a very nice thing indeed. In truth, I wouldn't have bought them if they had to be placed out away from the room, there just isn't space in my modest house.

Sonically, I like them very much and have no plans to change...maybe ever. I moved up to these from the VR-2, and they retain the same house sound, just have more of it in all facets.

Really, I haven't seen anything out there in the reviews that I would quibble with. They have a soundstage that fills the room, and are wonderful with live music tracks. Highs are extended and detailed without being harsh or etched (something I can't stand). Very natural mids, no coloration that I have noticed. Deep, full bass that can shake the house if desired. During the break in process the last nit I had to pick was a hint of tubbiness in the upper bass, but that is gone now. They are quite dynamic too.

They are just happy, natural-sounding, full-range speakers. I am completely satisfied with them.
I completely second Bigswede's comments. In spite of their close to the wall placement, the speakers have the ability to completely disappear within the soundstage.
I'm effortlessly driving mine with a vintage Marantz 8B p-p EL34 tube amp, about 35 watts/ch. The VR-33's are dynamic, musical, fullrange and non-fatiguing.
I initially set them up without spikes, moved them around a few inches week by week until I found the placement where they disappeared and bass/mid integration was optimal. Since installing the spikes I have not touched them. I've had no issues whatsoever. I think they are a screaming bargain and I'm sure I'll be keeping them for life.
So you buy a pair of speakers that you've never heard, and want to pair them with an amp that you are pretty sure won't drive them? Do you see anything at all wrong with this picture?


No problem with it at all. Ill have other amps at my disposal from local audio buddies and even my father. Doesn't change the fact that I'd love to drop them right into my carefully voiced associated equipment and hear what they can do.

I said I was concerned, not that I was pretty sure it wont work. The poster right above you seems happy with 35 Watts.

My biggest motivator for buying these is that they can be placed uninstrusively in my room and hopefully deliver some serious sq while being out of the way.

My current loudspeakers are sounding damn good tonight, so they'll have their work.cut out.
I am very interested in your take on these speakers as I am a Zuiet.

Keep us posted.