Detlof, I'm taking up latin as a primary language. Then no one will realize how illiterate I really am! Your use of English remains exceeded only by....well, what is your first language anyway? :-)
Now, that aside, lets have some fun. Lets talk about what specifically we find distracting about the sound we get from our speakers. The sound that is so distracting that you wouldn't no longer hear the 'soul', when such soulfulness is actually in the pits and grooves, with our advanced audio systems and trained ears.
I'll start. Could it be - 1)Pitch, 2)Timbre, and 3)Noise - oh, lest I forget, 4) distortion? Pitch, for example, is a killer for me.
Perhaps, just perhaps mind you, soul is truly found only when we dumb down our audiophile expectations and listen to the performance.
Fun thread...............