Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.

There is no one "best" ss or tube or whathaveyou amplifier.  You have to consider which "horse" you're riding on which "course".  IME DAG is certainly a worthy option among many.

I've been listening to a D'agostino S250 in my system for the last month, after using a Luxman M900u for a year.  The DAG does have some outstanding qualities that could match the certain speakers/systems/rooms/tastes just right.  It portrays a beautiful midrange that is simply mesmerizing - - fully fleshed out, 3D palpability.  It definitely comes from a "bass-weighted" voice, which works quite well with my TAD CR-1's, but may not with speakers that are already voiced a bit "richer".  Even with it's richer voice, the DAG digs deeply into the mix, delivering an enveloping musical experience.  On the right course, it's a great horse.
My one experience with D’Ag involved 2 different speakers and I really wasn’t  that impressed. Given the hilarious price I was disappointed.  Conversely, I was ready to point and laugh at the Pass amp wired up after but it was pretty damn good. After being on for an hour I came away impressed. 
I read that some prefer D’Agostino and others prefer Gryphon.
Gryphon Antilion, as you pick your own amount of Class-A bias you want to listen to from 5w to 100w, depending on your mood and or ambient room temp.

Cheers George