Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.

Better, not sure. I will say hearing Luxman and D'Agostino side by side I was really happy to afford the Luxman. :)
Keep telling yourself, all can afford so better.
Luxman is fine.  Just can't drive tough loads so speaker dependent.

There is no one "best" ss or tube or whathaveyou amplifier.  You have to consider which "horse" you're riding on which "course".  IME DAG is certainly a worthy option among many.

I've been listening to a D'agostino S250 in my system for the last month, after using a Luxman M900u for a year.  The DAG does have some outstanding qualities that could match the certain speakers/systems/rooms/tastes just right.  It portrays a beautiful midrange that is simply mesmerizing - - fully fleshed out, 3D palpability.  It definitely comes from a "bass-weighted" voice, which works quite well with my TAD CR-1's, but may not with speakers that are already voiced a bit "richer".  Even with it's richer voice, the DAG digs deeply into the mix, delivering an enveloping musical experience.  On the right course, it's a great horse.
My one experience with D’Ag involved 2 different speakers and I really wasn’t  that impressed. Given the hilarious price I was disappointed.  Conversely, I was ready to point and laugh at the Pass amp wired up after but it was pretty damn good. After being on for an hour I came away impressed.