Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?

I don't mean electrostatic. How close to a full range speaker can you come with single driver ?
Hi. I have done some short term  listening to the Cube Audio Bliss, Magus and Nenuphar at a local retailer in my area. I have never been attracted to single driver technologies as my past experience with a few designs indicated a very thin, one dimensional sound that I simply was not interested in. Unfortunately, I only had approx. 30 minutes of time to spend, but I will say this, I will come back for another  audition when time permits. There was something very different about this brands general sonic delivery. 
Ocellia and Tonian Labs are two brands that have used various size  PHY drivers. There were probably a few more. 
If the occasion arises for further listening to the Cube Audio speakers (Especially the 10" Nenuphars) please share your impressions if you do not mind. 
@ kenjit1 " KEF likes to do single driver point source speakers. It depends what you want. Single drivers have less highs but perfect dispersion. A 3way speaker has clearer sound but horrible dispersion.


1. KEF offers zero "single driver" products. At minimum KEF hi-fi speaker systems are coaxial, with two distinct though concentrically mounted drivers.
2. There are numerous products on the market with excellent dispersion properties. Is it your contention that Magico's published assertion that the M3 has "ultra-wide dispersion characteristics" and ultra-low distortion measurements" is false advertising or exaggeration? 
3. Allow me to disabuse you of the notion that single drivers exhibit better dispersion properties than a proper multi-driver system incorporating a high grade tweeter: