Pivot to Spindle distance

My P2S distance is off by about 5 mm (over). But my cartridge seams to be aligned pretty good. Is there any advantage to having the P2S distance exact? Sounds spectacular with my redoing the entire setup.
Must have had a senior moment during the P2S alignment part.

VPI Aries
JMW-10 arm
VPI jig (to get it close)
WallyTractor (final alignment)
If it really bugs you so much?!? Get an SME tonearm - any!
No headshell slots and P2S adjustable in a more wide range than you’ll ever need.
Problem solved? 🤔

Of course not, as per standard, every suggestion has an infinite number of new and other suggestions. 🙄

Michélle 🇿🇦
Elliot, In the end, it's effective length that counts, along with headshell offset angle.  Since effective length is the sum of P2S + overhang, since different designs feature different headshell offset angles, and since there are at least 3 different commonly used geometries that all result in two null points on the surface of the LP (and actually a myriad of such solutions that just haven't been associated with the names Stevenson, Baerwald, or Lofgren), there are many "solutions" to the problem.  Depends where you want to place the two null points (closer to the spindle or closer to the outermost grooves, for example) and how much tracking angle error you are willing to tolerate when the stylus is NOT on a null point.  And I am as bored as anyone else with this topic.
Elliott, It is only a matter of rather simple geometry. Lewm has said everything else that needs to be said.
Lofgren and Baerwald published their papers on tonearm alignment in around 1940, when the only records were made of something other than vinyl and all were mono 78s. And most people still owned wind-up Victrolas with megaphone speakers.