Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Acoustat 6’s is the one that will stay with me!!! it is a keeper!!! to have a 8 foot tall speaker sound soooo transparent, I had all the cone speakers- AR-9, Vandee’s, B&W 801’s, Altec 19’s, Maggie’s that would rattle, JBL , but them Acoustats just lets the guitar stand 8 feet tall in my room, yes they can BEAM at times, but to hear Jeff Lorber on these monsters is a BLESSING ,at times I feel like I can walk right into the speaker and be in another dimension, like I opened a door in the twilight zone. free you mind and your body will follow.

I’ve have a pair of Thiel 02 speakers for 26 years that I don’t intend to let go. I throw them in to my system once in a while and still love the sound.
Of many speakers that I owned (Celestion, Apogee, Vandersteen, Thies, ProAc, B&W), I’ve only ever bought back the same brand speakers again  - Merlin TSMs and Devore Super 8s. I would own a pair of Merlins again, probably not the Super 8s, but I am quite happy these days with the Devore Nines, which are the Goldilocks of that Devore series - just right.

Two weeks after I bought them, the prior owner emailed asking if I would sell them back.
I owned and lived with my Vonschweikert VR-7’s for 19 years..
Then I downsized and gave up my dedicated audio room.. I had to let the VR7’s go ...  They were just too big for my new room..
I went for a mid tower that is efficient so I could play with some low powered amps. I now am using the Daedalus Athena with a First Watt SIT3 amp.  Not missing the BIG VR’s anymore. the Daedalus are much easier to setup and live with.. Not as majestic, but I sure am liking the SET like sound and less complexity and heat of tubes..  Enjoying a more minimalist system.
I've enjoyed my Focal Sopra No2's since they first arrived in the USA and am thinking that they might be my last.