Rogue Audio Metis Magnum upgrade.

I’ve been running a Metis for over 10 years. I have used it with a few different amps including an NAD 2400, Will Vincent ST-70 and a McCormack DNA-125. I have enjoyed it with all these combos. I like the design of it, I also like it has a phono pre-amp and a headphone amp. I have at least 10 pairs of 6sn7 tubes I can roll in it. Right now I’m using some GE 6sn7GTA’s from 1952.
My question is has anyone compared the sound of the stock Metis to the Magnum version? Since I like the pre I’m thinking of sending it in for an upgrade. I’ve searched the web, but haven’t really found any good comparisons.

Hey Tommy!  I'm a Rogue Audio dealer, so will try to help as much as I can. Have you sent Mark/Nick an email at Rogue?  They are generally pretty straightforward and helpful with items like this.

Most of the upgrades I've seen in the past involved amps.  I don't remember ever sending a Metis in for the upgrade (and I don't remember what specific changes take place with the Metis).  Preamp changes with them usually involve power supply, cap and diode upgrades.

The Metis is a fun pre.  I imagine the upgrade would be a nice one for you.
Yes I have talked to them thru email.  This is what they told me.

We do still offer the Magnum Upgrade for the Metis. This upgrade will improve dynamics and detail, while providing a larger soundstage and better transparency. This upgrade is $450 + shipping and include the following:

- Larger power supply

- Power supply upgrades

- Hex Fred high speed diodes

- Coupling cap upgrades

- Polypropylene bypass capacitors in filters

- Dale Vishay resistors in critical spots

- Cardas output wiring

- Gold tube sockets

I just wanted to get some feedback from anyone who has had this or a similar mod done.

No experience with Rogue, but I've had some pieces upgraded by other manufacturers. $450 for all the above work plus they give your 10 year old preamp a thorough going over? I think it's a no brainer if you're planning on keeping the amp.

All the upgrades I've had done have been a noticeable improvement.

Well I sent my pre amp off to Rogue to get the magnum upgrade.  I took before pics of the inside, to see what is changed when I get it back.  I will post an update after I have a chance to listen to it for a while when it comes back.
tommy583, did you ever get this back? If so, can you share your before and after pics as well as your review of the upgrade?

Thank you.
