New to streaming, looking for a budget streamer

I live in the country and up till a couple day ago my internet service was not suitable for hi-rez streaming, I use spotify to stream for new music, not for serious listening.

We now have a Frontier9472 Network modum/router installed. It affords WiFI and has 4 ethernet and 1 USB output. I am looking for a streamer that can receive signal via any of these outputs and serve Qobuz. The Bluesound Node 2i seems a likely candidate as I will use streaming for music exploration and background listening. I will play the Node into my Audio Mirror DAC. 

I have 2 questions)

1) are there other streamers available that would serve my purposes that are around the Node price point? 
2)  Would a ethernet or USB connect best the Wifi for SQ?  I know there are other threads on this, some quite lengthy describing ways to improve over ethernet. I just want to use either WiFI or a cable.

As I explore the merits of streaming I will likely upgrade my approach. 
Thanks Guys! I will look into the ProJect Stream Box however believe I will go with the Node. Use the APT on my phone or get a iPAD.  I have may AIFF file on HD which I can use via the USB and will look into a CAT8 cable for connection. Believe the SQ via my Audio Mirror DAC will serve me well. 
If you are open to used a Auralic Aries mini with out board power supply should surpass a Node for less money.  Or a Auralic Aries with femto clock for a little more than Node, maybe $600 used. You have a nice dac, I think your dac deserves a better streamer than a Node.
I am getting an AudioMirror Tubadour III SE DAC today (finally) and it will be hooked up to a Sonore OpticalRendu via Fibre Optical cable from a Ubiquity Networks switch ($200) and direct to the OpticalRendu, then USB to the AMT3SE.

The above 2 are so good that I have 2 OpticalRendu’s now for my Benchmark DAC3B and the AMT3SE. My opinion on this is that Fibre is the best that one can get for streaming (at any price).

A cheaper solution would be to use a microRendu with a LPS power supply. I have an old mircroRendu and I am waiting to compare that with a new integrated amp I am getting that has built-in Ethernet streaming.
I love tmy P-J S Ultra but it is no where near the price point and slightly more difficult with fewer options and crappier art than BluSound.
Don’t even try SGC fendi unless you are paying for Roon. Even those idiots could not get it to work for me.
If you are looking at Aurallic, iOS control app only. But I guess you are OK there.
For the P-J S Ultra use the BubbleUPnP app for betters o/l sorting and art on Volumio.