I wasn’t going to chime in here because I don’t have experience with many of the cartridges mentioned here, but as I thought about it, I’ve had several in my time. Including Dynavector, Denon, Several mid to upper end Audio Technica, A Sumo Coil, Grado, Nagatron, Nagaoka, Goldring, ADC, Pickering and Stanton.
When I read this thread, my thoughts instantly went to 2.For MM, Nagaoka, as high as you can afford and For MC, the Audio Technica AT OC9/II.... What also came to mind is to do significantly better than the Project phono, you’d probably have to step up to something like a Rega Fono/Rega Mini fono A2D, but beware, the Rega MM or MC phono sections are not really adjustable, you would need a cartridge that was a good match for these. The Sim Moon 110LP V2 is a solid choice also. If money isn’t an issue, I’d look at the Graham Slee phono sections. I don’t know your phono section at all, but I can say that when I upgraded my preamp to an SST Ambrosia, the phono section made allllll the difference in the world and a good phono stage matters. Consider this as strongly as the cartridge. I hope this all helps and makes since. Tim