Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo
I found all speakers tiresome until I put more effort into the acoustics of my room.
I found all speakers tiresome until I put more effort into the acoustics of my room.
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Well said and better said than my own posts....

My best to you....
I tend to find speakers with metal tweeters bright-Monitor Audio, Focal, Mordaunt Short...very fatiguing to listen too especially when connected to Yamaha or Krell for example. I prefer a warm or neutral speaker and amp combo...

Human ears are DESIGNED to identify immediately the human voice TIMBRE in all acoustical settings..

Designed huh? Ooookay.  Human speech is relatively new in our evolution but obviously important but just one aspect of survival of the species as it relates to hearing. W.r.t.. "tone" and emotion most mammals can detect that independent of other information context. It's not uniquely human.

People argue because too many take perceived personal experience as fact. Then they argue that made up fact.

I don't hear so much fatiguing speakers though they definitely exist, as much as fatiguing rooms incompatible with audio in general or with a specific speaker, hence why many view some high end speakers as bright.