Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo
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B&W P5's. . . which I foolishly pared with Rotel components. Replacing the Rotel integrated with a Creek 5350 helped a little. The speakers might've sounded fine with tube gear. 

That was the last time I bought any audio gear based on how it sounded in a show-room and the last time I bought speakers with anything other than a soft-dome tweeter. In my home, it proved a very fatiguing system but I sure learned a lot as a result of buying it!  

I found all speakers tiresome until I put more effort into the acoustics of my room.
I found all speakers tiresome until I put more effort into the acoustics of my room.
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Well said and better said than my own posts....

My best to you....
I tend to find speakers with metal tweeters bright-Monitor Audio, Focal, Mordaunt Short...very fatiguing to listen too especially when connected to Yamaha or Krell for example. I prefer a warm or neutral speaker and amp combo...