Question on VTF (What should i adjust it to?)

Hi Everyone,

As I continue to proceed down the sinkhole that is Analog Audio.  I was checking the specs on the Cartridge and they specify a range of .3g as what is right.

Me being really analytical and obsessed with what is right, where should one start on setting their VTF to?  I split the baby in the middle and added .15g to the min and have it had it that way since. But now I am thinking should i move it up or move it down?  What should i hear with over and under proper value tracking force?

Thanks as always for the help,

Except, it's an actual phenomenon. I just brought the Decca down to 1.55 from 1.65 and the metal percussion on the Doc Evans album on the table moved three feet into the room. 

If the cartridge is brand new, I set it at the upper range of tracking until it is run in.
After a week of running in, I then revisit the tracking force usually set to middle of range. I also revisit VTA after run in and tracking force optimised.

Start at recommended VTF, listen a side, continue with lower or higher setting, listen again. At one point everything will blend with a good floating image like having a surround effect. Run in groove pop sound will be the first indication of being there. 

Ahh so run in groove pop is good?  People’s comments are right the recommended range is 1.3 to 1.6 and it is a new cart.  I have been working on aligning it properly (mostly happy but Ocd has me check over and over).

listening last night it opened up after about three sides of music and measuring at about 1.5xx on my river stone electronic scale.

I bet you will not detect any difference between 1.3 - 1.6 tracking force by ears. 

Would you like to tell us what is your cartridge after all ?