Anyone heard Cornwall IVs with McIntosh tube gear?

Thoughts, comments, jokes, experiences---all appreciated. 
Fisher 500C mated to Cornwalls ( vertical horns, mirror imaged ), when I was a kid.... a long time ago. A great combo. Grew up listening to Mac tubes with Klipsch ( a match made in heaven back then ). I say back then, because now, " I prefer " not using a preamp, and enjoy the noise free, black background, vice grip balls and speed of good class A ss driving Klipsch Lascalas. 
It’s hard to generalize how an amp that paired well with klipsch  40 years ago would work with modern Cornwalls. Klipsch has come so far with improved designs that although the underlying aspects of horn sound remain, the glaring issues have all but been eliminated . So people who aren’t familiar with the “new and improved” sound approach this topic with the thought that an amp must be able to “tame” the speakers. Because it’s always been that way.

McIntosh may sound great with the CW IV, but it won’t be because of some storied history. So many other choices may sound better.

@ozzy62 , yes, that's exactly my thought and why I wanted to hear firsthand stories of people who have heard CW IV with newer (say last 10 years) McIntosh gear.  I totally get the historical stuff, but we are in 2021 and these are, for all purposes, new and different products.  The CW IV is a different animal in my mind than the I, II, or even the III.  

I'm curious because Macs can sound smooth, which may be a nice pairing with the CW IVs.  One thing is for certain--the CW IVs are super sensitive to everything you throw at them. 
I have Heresy IV’s which use the same tweet and mid driver and drive them with an Odyssey Khartago (110wpc) and it’s great. Yes, it’s solid state but fronted with a tubed Linestage. I think Mac gear would sound good with the Cornwalls