Help: Anthem STR dac vs Bryston BDA-1 and others - sounds the same to me

I wanted to go ahead and throw this out there, I know there will be differing opinions but here’s my experience THUS FAR... I cannot hear one shred of difference between the internal DAC of my Anthem STR preamp vs my Bryston BDA-1. Are you surprised?

I’ve listened back and forth on two sets of speakers and test tracks via Qubuz with Roon - speakers are Klipschorns and KEF Reference 5.
I know the Bryston is older so perhaps that has something to do with it. OR, do we often overemphasize what we THINK we hear when we say a DAC sounds so much better than another?
I no longer have the Lumin T2 but I think I remember it sounding better but now I can’t be sure of what I was hearing. I do believe in hearing bias but I would expect to hear something more drastic.. Or are my ears just shot? I don’t think so - but who knows.
Is the DAC in the Anthem just that spectacular?

I’m asking because I’m thinking about adding a Denafrips Potus for fun.
Anyone else have the Anthem and think its DAC is on par with other reasonably priced external dacs?

Hey, the STR is a pretty advanced preamp.  Are you sure you are using analog pass through? If not, you could be using it's DAC no matter what. :)
@erik_squires  great question and yes, "Convert Analog" is turned off on the RCA 1 input coming from the dac. 

I'll do some more playing, but just surprised they sound literally identical thus far.
Many good DACs tend to sound pretty similar. It just means DAC technology is fairly mature now and  they are all doing a good job which is a good thing for buyers.
A DAC is NOT a computer! Hence NO programming
A DAC is very much a computer. How else do you think a DAC can perform the mathematical computations necessary to convert digital code to an analog signal?
Well, I do like the Anthem sound a great deal.  They are currently my favorite HT processor.

If you can't tell the difference in DAC's, may I suggest you turn your attention to your room acoustics? :)