Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!

I thought it would be great to have our longtime audiophiles post their "lessons learned" along the way.

This is not a thread to start arguments, so please do not do that.
Just a repository where newer members can go to get a few good tidbits of knowledge.

I'll start - I have been an audiophile for 50 years now.

1. Learn about how humans hear sound, and what frequencies SHOULD NOT be flat in their response.. This should be the basis for your system. "Neutral" sounding systems DO NOT sound good to the human ear. You will be unsatified for years (like I was) until you realize this.

2. I do not "chase" DACS anymore.. (I went up to 30K Dacs before realizing the newest Dac chips are now within a few % of the high end Dacs.) Do your research and get yourself a good Dac using the best new dac chips. (about 1000.00 will get you a good one) and save yourself a fortune. - This was one of the best lessons I learned (and just recently) . It allowed me to put more of the budget into room treatment, clean power, and cables which are much more important.

3. Do you want a pleasant or unpleasant sounding system?
I had many very high end systems with NO real satisfaction, until I realized
why a certain company aimed for a particular sound..

4. McIntosh:
As a high end audiophile, I regarded McIntosh as just a little above Bose for about 40 years.-- (not good)
I thought I was an elite audiophile who knew way too much about our hobby to buy equipment that was well made, but never state of the art and colored in its own way.

This was TOTALLY WRONG, as I realize now.
McIntosh goes for a beautiful sound for HUMAN ears, not for specification charts. This is not a flat response, and uses autoformers to get this gorgeous sound. If you know enough about all the other things in our hobby, such as room treatments, very clean power, and very good cables, you can bring a gorgeous sounding McIntosh system to unheard of levels. I have done this now, and I have never enjoyed my music more!


I’ll go even further: Even if the box is not rectangular but some incredibly fancy shape, even if it’s huge, even if it costs more than a luxury car, if it’s sealed or vented and the drivers are all in front, it’s a monkey coffin and will sound like a monkey coffin—boxy and, to varying degrees, not quite open and transparent.
I dont want to offend but Aczel never lived in a good acoustical treated and mainly controlled SMALL room ...

My box coffin did not sound like in his description...

2 years ago, yes they sounded like box speakers compared to magnepan....

They sound today more like magnepan than "monkey box".... Get me right they are NOT magnepan by any means, but i will never describe the sound closed and lacking transparency...

These words confirm my suspicion that almost no one in these audio forums had ever experienced the complete transformation of the same system from a small bad room to a small good one....If you are not coming by yourself from a bad one to a good one, how do you know?

Box speakers are KING only in a SMALL acoustically controlled room...Read that slowly.... 

Box speakers are not what he think they are, "monkey coffins".... Why?

I dont understand for sure the reason why this "specialist" never experienced a good small room with box speakers ? His prejudice come from here....

I prefer the sound of my box speakers in my actual small room now to the sound of one of my magnepan’s friends in his bad room....There is a difference: his speakers are more open yet than mine, they had more transparency yes, but my sound is not closed and dont lacked transparency and is more natural and musical.... In my room they are more musical because they are rightfully embedded...In my 2 positions of listening nearfield and more regular position....

Then Aczel is right in principle, magnepan are more open and transparent in a BIG room in particular, but he is wrong when is disqualify box speakers by his misunderstanding of SMALL room acoustic...

He is not the only one, these confusions are the rule throuh most audio forums....

Box speakers are KING only in a SMALL acoustically controlled room...

There they may shine.... the confusion of Aczel comes from his lack in distinguishing approprietely the deep differences, huge one, between controlled and treated room and the room which are not, and especially the great difference between SMALL room and BIG one, uncontrolled or not....

I never trust audio reviewers anymore this is the reason why.... Distinctions like objectivist/subjectivist, scientist/audiophiles, analog/digital, box speakers/ magnepan or any other type, and many more other distinctions, when pushed to their opposite limits in a competition are childish and gross and created misplaced prejudices....

Audio for me is the business of learning how to trust my own ears in listening experiments experience... Nothing else for me...It is not science but more an art....

Listening music must be learned, listening to sounds must be learned also.... The "bat" ears metaphor reflect stupidity more than anything else....My ears are normal old one, but very educated....Not in a "bat" sense, in a personal history that is reflected in my audio system and room and music choices....
Post removed 
Many amps have a HUM issue when "ungrounded" source components, i.e. those with a two pin plug or Wal-Wart power supply, are connected
- my Bryston has this issue, my NAIM had it too

My Bluesound Node 2i, which has a 2 pin plug causes hum if it is the only component connected
- However, my Simmaudio Moon phono stage IS properly grounded
- So when the phono stage is connected in the system - the hum goes away

So WHY does connecting the phono stage eliminate hum?
- because the Node 2i is now being grounded via the neutral side of the system at the amp by the phono stage

So try this ...
- using a piece of wire
- touch one end to the neutral collar of any open RCA socket on a pre-amp or integrated amp
- touch the other end to a mains ground point

The hum should STOP - if it stops
- build a grounding lead by attaching one end to the neutral side of an RCA (or XLR) plug
- attach the other end of the wire to the ground pin ONLY on a mains plug
- plug it into any mains outlet
- plug the RCA into any available RCA socket on the pre-amp or integrated amp

Unfortunately some components that have a two pin plug, sometimes referred to as "fully isolated" can develop a tiny voltage on the neutral side of the circuit, which is often a 50/60 Hz hum.
- Grounding the neutral side ONLY of the entire system will remedy this issue
- If this DOES NOT stop the hum - you have a more serious issue

Regards - Steve
Just because YOU bought it doesn't make it Shangri-La. 
A riff on just because you thought it doesn't mean you should speak it, or post it, or tweet it. 
Short sweet and simple.
Ignore watts.  It is all about instantaneous peak current.