New speaker suggestion

Hello, I am looking at upgrading my speakers and want to spend about $10-12k new or used. While the speakers I have now sound real nice, I want more detail and wider soundstage, all that fun stuff. My system is as follows:

Paradigm 95F speakers
REL S5 sub
PASS X150.8 amp
PASS XP 17 preamp 
PASS XP12 phono preamp
VPI Classic 3 Signature turntable
Hana ML cartridge 
Aurender N100SC streamer 
Chord Cutest DAC 
Shunyata Denali 6000 v2 conditioner 
Nordost Heimdall2 for all power and interconnects. 
Thank you for your time and suggestions 

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Magnepan 3.7i's then if you want to spend a little more, Sound Labs 545's
Dipole speakers limit room interaction and these two speakers punch way above their price point. They will open up a whole new world of imaging and articulation missing in dynamic speakers costing many times more. 
Both benefit greatly with subwoofers which you already have. If you use a two way subwoofer crossover the Sound Labs will hit volume levels unheard of from an ESL. The Maggie will play loud but not concert loud.
If you want to blow your doors off these are not your speakers.
Sound Labs for electrostats.
Vandersteen Quatro or Kento for conventional.
The latter have built in subs with equalizers that allow you to tune the room. Yes, I luv my Vandy's.
But, YMMV, so audition, audition, audition...
There’s a pair of Usher BE-20 DMDs on US AudioMart for only $8250 ($23,000 MSRP).  Absolutely beautiful speakers with beautiful sound and outstanding imaging/soundstage, and diamond tweeters. Pretty sure they’d sound glorious with your Pass gear.  These speakers are in another league entirely and a steal at this price IMHO.  Best of luck.