OK audionoobie,
you've got a 6
speaker that's 88db efficient, can be driven with 100w-400w of power, &
the Rogue is not cutting it with these speakers.
is already a pretty fair piece of gear, so don't make the mistake of a laterial
move. $5G for a separate pre-amp and amp in the world of new gear maynot get ya leaps & bounds better than the Rogue if you're not careful.
Might I suggest an Ampex 402 pre-amp (see youtube attachment), pair it up with a Krell KSA 300s.
Ampex use to build tube powered recording studios, microphone pre-amps, mixing boads, tape machines, the works. They also made Hi-Fi pre-amps, with outstanding phono-stages. I use to own one, put my Conrad Johnson PV11 to shame and gave my snob Audion 2box Premier an inordinate run for the money. An Ampex 402 can be found for just south of a $grand.
Compliment the lush tubes of the Ampex with the lightning fast Krell. The
300 KSAs is pure Class A power. It's able to grab those 88 db Ohms by the scruf of the neck, & still have enough head room
to sustain any crescendo
thrown at it. A Krell KSA300s can be had for $3500 bucks.