Greg - on the TT setup: I have both the AT440/OCC and Denon DL-110 cart that I swap out. I upgraded the feet a while back too. The puffin is interesting with it's analog -> dsp -> analog processing. In the end though, I don't really like to fiddle with things. My next phono stage will likely be something from bottlehead. My quarantine project was one of their headphone amps and I'm very impress with the build quality and sound.
On the topic of placement and room treatments - I don't have many options here - the room is multipurpose. The good thing is that it's a carpeted and fully finished basement, but I know I can do better.
On the topic of placement and room treatments - I don't have many options here - the room is multipurpose. The good thing is that it's a carpeted and fully finished basement, but I know I can do better.