Musical, Warm and Smooth bookshelfs under 500

I've been searching for the perfect pair of budget bookshelfs (as close to perfect as one could get in this hobby) for my living room (11 by 11 ft extending to an open dining space to 1 side).

I've posted another thread here and have received some wonderful suggestions, but to narrow the options down (for an audition shortlist) I've decided to look at speakers based on my sonic preferences and needs.

Priority - in terms of performance - is for 2 channel audio. These would be mated to my LCD Tv and we would be watching movies and cable with these speakers as well - but in terms of performance audio comes first HT second.

I listen predominantly to Jazz but occasionally to contemporary genres as well. In terms of sound signature, I prefer something that's a little warmer, musical and smooth. Clarity is important, but not to the point of being bright. I'm relatively sensitive to high frequencies (at least with headphones - some of which are piercingly bright and painful) and appreciate a richer, well-grounded sound.

Please do nominate what you think would be the best set of speakers for these requirements.

I've had recommendations for the following:
- Audioengine A5
- Cambridge Audio S30
- Monitor Audio BX1 or BX2
- Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 or 10.2
- NHT SuperZero
- Pioneer SP BS41 LR (Andrew Jones)
- PSB Alpha B1
- Paradigm Atoms, or Titans
- Studio Monitors such as Adam Audio A3x/A5x Dynaudio BM5/6a etc

Please do chime in with ideal amp pairings as well, if you could =)

Many thanks guys!
@ Marty - Ah alas, if it's hard to find these used stateside then it might be near impossible getting them here - unless fate intervenes. There's some great gear available here, but their on the pricey side of things.

@ Hifihvn - That's a worrying issue! I am very sensitive to shrill and bright high frequency sounds. And well if its ultrasonic then maybe I can't hear it haha. Will have to investigate this. Given my 'allergy' to shrill highs some have advocated speakers with non-metal tweeters. But some say it isn't an issue. Will have to audition to decide. I guess it varies speaker to speaker and listener to listener.
Quad 9L actives, warm, inviting, not overly covered up, very musical, maybe the sleeper in the Quad dynamic line. Used ones are right in your price bracket, high end sound for relative pocket change. Stretch your budget a little (around $6-700 used) for 12Ls which can fill a larger space. Sell your amp and just use the speakers with some decent ICs.
I own both and love them.
as per tgrisham, the von schweikert vr1 would be perfect for you--jazz sounds live on 'em. i'm not sure how easy you could score a pair for $500--they don't seem to pop up that frequently. rega rs1 do everything well and are very musical. for a dark horse, i'd consider energy c-3 or rc--somewhat underrecognized, but they image as well as any inexpensive monitor i've heard, sound larger than most on your list and are a very good buy used.