Audiophile Fuses: Helpful or "Snake Oil"?

Interested in both general and specific opinions/experiences/explanations etc...
Have a discussion with google, their context is still off on voice recognition hence why they correct their once and the wrong one the other time.

That said your pedantic attempt at a deflection does not change that no audiophiles who I know who claimed fuse differences could ever pass a blind test. Not one and many have very resolving systems.   Which brings us back to almost all fuse believers with rare exception don't understand power supplies or the details of amps to know how a fuse would behave in a power supply circuit
One need not understand one single bit of amp design and their power supplies in order to hear a difference that a fuse can make. Stop with the red herrings that take us out into the weeds and away from the subject under discussion.

Your appeals to authority are useless. That, and they show a tendency to be closed minded leading one to think you're a victim of expectation bias. You've read that the fuse is only a safety device so therefore, it cannot have an effect on the sound.

You've painted yourself into a corner and refuse to trust your own ears, which if they are good, can hear a difference and yet you won't admit it. Instead, you cite anecdotal events of others you know who do hear a difference and claim they can't if subjected to some parlor trick.

Time to work up for another endorphin hit.

All the best,
invalid122 posts02-14-2021 1:40amI can’t use an SR fuse in my amp it has a breaker.
These **** ***** fusers here will have you believe a $150> is better for sound than that circuit breaker, because the fuse "they say" is "directional" even though it's in an AC (alternating current) mains path.  

Consider yourself lucky that your not conned into spending >$150+ on these $1 fuses that does absolutely nothing for the sound quality.

Cheers George
These **** ***** fusers here will have you believe a $150> is better for sound than that circuit breaker, because the fuse "they say" is "directional" even though it's in an AC (alternating current) mains path.
Take your time and go back over all the discussions on fuses and link them here so we can see what you claim: that someone claimed a fuse is better than a circuit breaker. 

You're desperation is showing, Georgie.

All the best,

While I am quite certain fuses in power supplies make no difference after showing that to many audiophiles in their system, I am also convinced george will never learn how electricity works and will keep bringing up AC like somehow it matters in the discussion.