Speakers for EL34 amp: $1,500 - $2,000

Looking for floorstanding or stand mount speakers that work well with EL-34 amp (approx. 40 watts). Price range: $1,500 - $2,000 new or used. Transparency, Soundstaging and Tonality are most important. Musical taste is varied, with a heavy dose of female vocalist, Jazz and tasteful pop. Room is 14' x 12'. Thanks for your suggestions.
+1 on the Harbeth P3ESR. I drive them with a PrimaLuna Prologue 5 fitted with EL34s.
I consider "tasteful" pop to be, but not limited to, Shelby Lynn, Damien Rice, Lisa Hannigan and Amos Lee. You can even throw in some DMB and John Mayer to liven up the the mix. Thanks everyone for the great feedback and suggestions.
02-12-13: A_passion
I consider "tasteful" pop to be, but not limited to, Shelby Lynn, Damien Rice, Lisa Hannigan and Amos Lee. You can even throw in some DMB and John Mayer to liven up the the mix. Thanks everyone for the great feedback and suggestions.

Oh, you mean "elevator music".
I liked the Red Rose monitor with the dipole ribbon tweeter (can not think of exact model #) with a CJ el34 based amp. Excellent bass from a small enclosure and the highs were very special with the ribbon tweeter