What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?

I have pass labs xa30.8, it’s awesome, but have no idea what’s considered it’s yin to the pass’s yang sonically?
“Well, there's a "sound" to Pass. I know, it's what I have. And wouldn't call it dead neutral. There are many ways to retain top sounding SS without it being only Pass”

I agree.. The Pass house sound is to the right of neutral, leaning towards warm. This works out well for me and most music I listen to.
I also attribute that warmth to the MOSFETs used in his designs. I tried Class D amps. My last iteration was the Ncore hypex in the bel canto ref600 monos. They’re very dynamic and all, but not to my tastes. I went SS because after many decades with tubes and their issues, I’d rather not deal with it anymore.. 
as to the OP question, I would say the yin would be an early model Krell from the 80’s with bipolar transistors. Sterile, bright and edgy.
A pair of Atma-sphere M60s would be a different, high quality, approach. Tube, OTL, balanced. 
Opposite? Not sure what that means since Pass occupies the space between solid state and tube sound IMHO. 
Different- audition a CJ Art 150. Beautifully captures rhythm, pacing and inner detail. Great Imaging and very musical without the drawbacks of some older tube gear.  
Would love to hear CJ Art line, Ayre, Atmasphere. Clearly high end, unique designs. 
I’m not sure totally different applies, especially when come to Nelson Pass amps. With the First Watt series included; Nelson Pass has become the Baskin Robbin’s 31 of amplifier designers.  If restricted to Pass Labs gear, and again I’m not sure totally different applies, but in the context of the gist of the question at hand, Spectral jumps to mind as leaning towards the opposite direction.