Suggest one obsure album we all should hear

I love when I discover an album that's new to me, and great.Please share one so we can all broaden our musical horizons.

Mine is:
Wishbone Ash  'Argus'

When I heard the first track I immediately thought he's ripped off "I Care Because You Do". But then I noticed it was released before! I suspect Mr James has possibly ripped off Mr Thrussell...
Well, I'm not sure about the obscure part, but these are classics, IMO... have an early pressing of the volume 3, which was one of my first direct to disc recordings...Now released on CD as in the link."America" is awesome, Camarillo is a good bass line, but the sample above is different that my vinyl...We could only hope that some of the newer vinyl recoredings were as good as Volume 3.