Next to theaters, cars are the ideal speaker environment

We live in a world where lots of car brands are bragging about bespoke stereo systems from big names. From JBL to MBL.

As a hobbyist who makes speakers, and can at least sympathize with the pros I’ve been thinking that cars are probably the best single environment for speaker designers. Of course, it’s not without it’s own challenges related to noise and room acoustics, but think about it this way:

With a car audio system you are never guessing about the room acoustics.  You know exactly where the user is going to sit and how the room is going to behave.

When you design a speaker system you always have to keep in mind the end user’s most likely environment, or you pick an environment. Roy Allison with his speakers, and to some extent Snell, tried to eliminate as much as possible by making speakers that went along the wall. Not 100% room control, but certainly better than nothing.
Good example, acoustically room or car are the same problem that can be solved....

The speakers are often a box and the room is a box.....These 2 boxes interact one with another but not only and always in a destructive way.


Roll down the windows and port the second box. It reduced EAR sound pressure, and some nasty reflective surfaces right by your Left or right ear depending where you set.. I’m the driver. BUT I don’t listen at any volume when I’m driving.. Setting still, oh yea I’ll swing the doors out. We’ll have a pound off, every now and then with the oldhvymec, and the KIDs. Under 35 mph at least one window down, with any volume.

I don’t use any OB stuff either. All the drivers are in tuning pockets, or self enclosed. AMT..

Oh I forgot.. For peanuts, too. I've done a LOT of cabs in my time.  All part of the job.. Cassette and CD in that Alpine head unit. YUP... I wire straight to my phone...NO WiFi..  BAMB...

A car interior is probably the absolute worst acoustic environment for an audio system.
Consider the issues-
Road noise and vibration and bass cancellations.
Road noise, wind noise, powertrain noise vs. amplifier head room / power requirements. 
Charging circuit and voltage vs. amplification requirements.
Door cavities make poor speaker enclosures.
Greenhouse glass is a highly acoustic reflective surface and will alter the polar response from upper speakers requiring extensive EQ to tame.   
Every OEM mobile audio system has embedded EQ curves to compensate for the above.  Some do a good job, some do not. 

I guess we are skipping over this part:

best single environment for speaker designers.

cars are probably the best single environment for speaker designers
Uh, seems like a nightmare to me.  A mix of reflective and absorptive surfaces close to the speakers, and the listener is sitting right in front of the speakers on one side.  I can’t imagine designing a speaker for the home where the listener is gonna sit right next to one of them, equalization or no.  But that’s just me.