Super integrated vs equivalent +$$ for new main system

Just upgraded my main speaker and would like to upgrade the overall setup, room is a 20’’x30’’, listening to variety of music from jazz, vocals, classic, and a bit of pop. Speaker are M30.2XD and a Rel T7i, Streaming only, Qobuz mainly, and might add a tt later on. I have a lfd and qutest laptop in an other room with the P3s, main was a Uniti atom. Tried the lfd IV with the m30, sweet mids but lack on the lower and composure, dont want to go with a ncse as there is no remote and want something simple. From those of you who did these upgrade. Is it better to go for a super integrated, (thinking of 1: Audio Gold Is 1000 deluxe(150w- 2: Naim nova 80w) or going separate + fuss with cable, keeping qutest, going with a Auralic Aries G1 to stream, and choose an integrated amp class AB, ( choice I looked at and listen to 1: Supernait 3 $, 2: Luxman 507ux ii $$) luxman would stretch my budget but would be a keeper, I prefer a limited number of box if that is possible
Many thanks for all the replies, will try to listen to everything I possibly can and will go from there but the general idea is integrated class A + B or AB, I've also learn new amp names today as well! Coda, Raven and Aesthetix, Also looked for pass lab but the nearest dealer is located to far from where I live to even consider it, it would be a leap of faith... To be continued
Naim Supernait 3 is inadequate for the M30.2. It may sound good but not great. My experience with Harbeth speakers is they need current / power to sound great. Those who opined that Harbeth sounds great with flea-powered amps may be predominantly listening to mellow stuff or vocals. Play some dynamic music with bass and it will all fall apart.
You need a real good high current amp with the harbeths i would say that a good set of solid state separates would be the best for them considering that my large british monitors love the sound of big solid state they just do not come alive on current starved amps.