Audio-Technica VM750SH Dual Moving Magnet Shibata Stylus Stereo Turntable Cartridge

I am not familiar with this stereo cartridge and stylus, but I'm considering purchasing it. The text in Amazon makes it sound attractive and what I think would work well with my Pioneer SX-850 stereo receiver and my Bose 901s Series IV.

I am wondering if anyone in the group has experience with this A-T cartridge and what your thoughts are. Most appreciated!

The cartridge and Shibata stylus are: Audio-Technica VM750SH Dual Moving Magnet Shibata Stylus Stereo Turntable Cartridge. Price $400. Price is not an issue, but I'd like to stay around $400.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Mark Ricotta
That is a reasonable price for a Shibata stylus cartridge! The Hana SL MC  is $750. What TT do you have?
It is a great cartridge for the money. I personally prefer AT's microline stylus, the VM750ML.  Another cartridge to consider is Goldring's 1042. It has a Gyger S stylus, the same one used in the $16K Clearaudio Goldfinger. 
I seriously considered the VM750SH because it seems to offer so much for the price.  I wound up going further upscale (ART9XA) because my rig merits it and can handle the brutally low output.  But getting a dual moving-magnet with Shibata for $400, especially from a well-regarded firm like AT, has to be very tempting.