Kijanki, when I said house I did not mean just the listening room, that's why I specifically said "every part of its environment" -- gee, I think the factory down the road just finished for the day; hmmm, I wonder if Cathy has her computer on in her bedroom; man, another one of those steamy, humid days -- see what I mean. Frankly, when a system is REALLY working properly, the listening room is totally irrelevant: if you had a real string quartet playing in that room, would it "not work" because you didn't have the right room bits sorted out ... ?
As regards synergy, see my comment earlier.
Finally, I have as much respect for vinyl as digital: I have heard stunning LP playback, and truly appalling sound coming from a quarter of a million dollars worth of such gear, supposedly optimised and tweaked!
As regards synergy, see my comment earlier.
Finally, I have as much respect for vinyl as digital: I have heard stunning LP playback, and truly appalling sound coming from a quarter of a million dollars worth of such gear, supposedly optimised and tweaked!