@noromance In My Tribe. Interesting. I bought it when it was released. I haven’t played it in 20 years. I recall it being thin and digital. And not the good kind.
I think most their work sounded that way. ’Thin’ was kind of a result of their overall sound at the time and earlier. Not much in terms of low-end (and punch) to balance out all the ’tinny’ mids and highs. That said, it sounds better, and ’feels’ better on vinyl, to me. All my other music from the Maniacs are on either cassette and/or CD. Some of their CD’s, especially, I listen to very rarely, because of the overall sound. The music I like, but not how it was recorded.
I have Natalie’s Motherland arriving today on vinyl. That album is very ’full’ and deep compared to her earlier releases, and also her next; The House Carpenter’s Daughter (I only have on CD). I am looking forward to spinning that tonight.