Looking for small monitor for small room

I have a nad 3130 that I’d like to get a small stand mount speaker for. The room is 10x 9 and very lively. Any suggestions for speakers. I’ll see if room treatments can be used.
I took a chance on these, for my office system, similar size room as yours.

I use them with a self-powered sub, they are terrific, true bookshelf size, no ports



I have a perfect triangle, with the monitor in the center of my desk, wonderful imaging as center is phantom anyway.
Keep an eye on the Audiogon marketplace. $350 used can purchase a $700 speaker that is not to old.
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The NAD 3130 is a 30wpc amplifier I believe. If I am correct you will need a speaker that is not to difficult to drive. With the small room, I would be more concern with impedance aspect than sensitivity. That said, I would look for a speaker not being lower than 87dB sensitive.

The Silverline Minuets suggested by Soix would be a good choice.