Audio-Technica VM750SH Dual Moving Magnet Shibata Stylus Stereo Turntable Cartridge

I am not familiar with this stereo cartridge and stylus, but I'm considering purchasing it. The text in Amazon makes it sound attractive and what I think would work well with my Pioneer SX-850 stereo receiver and my Bose 901s Series IV.

I am wondering if anyone in the group has experience with this A-T cartridge and what your thoughts are. Most appreciated!

The cartridge and Shibata stylus are: Audio-Technica VM750SH Dual Moving Magnet Shibata Stylus Stereo Turntable Cartridge. Price $400. Price is not an issue, but I'd like to stay around $400.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Mark Ricotta
@mofimadness, The microline stylus is even more critical of set up than the shibata. Chances are you could have toned it down with a little more fiddling.
I find the belief that moving coil cartridges are better than modern moving magnet or iron cartridges interesting. In some cases it is just not true and Moving magnet/iron cartridges are certainly a better value all around.
For certain if rock and jazz make up the bulk of your collection I believe from what I have heard the best cartridges come from this family. In conversation with Peter Ledermann, he makes low output cartridges only because of marketing pressure. He believes high output cartridges are the way to go, more dynamic and much better signal to noise ratio. Of course he recommends his strain gauge cartridge over everything else. 
@mijostyn...I've set up hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tables/arms/carts.  Kinda my forte, so I understand the more complicated and critical setup procedure of the microline carts.  So pretty sure, I've gotten them dialed in.

Still doesn't change my mind.

While I agree that there are some very good to outstanding MM carts, nothing compares to an upper end moving coil.  As much as I love many MM carts, give me my Koetsu or Kiseki any day...
Thank you for all your responses. I have a Pioneer Quartz PL- 550 Direct Drive Turntable. 

I also own a Mobile Fidelity V-LPS preamp, which allows me to use MM or MC cartridge. Since I'm also getting a fully refurbished Pioneer SX-850 receiver, I wonder about the safety and sonics of using that receiver with two cartridges, one being the Denon DL-110 and the other the A-T, as described above. The receiver has two phono inputs and I'm struggling how to make them all work together.
Your phono stage is a Musical Fidelity not a Mobile Fidelity.  It's going to be way better than the phono stage in that old Pioneer receiver, so I wouldn't even think twice about even using the internal phono stage.

IMHO, with the gear you have/are assembling, I'd look for a Shure V15TypeIII with a new SAS stylus.  Or a new Grado Black and install a new 8MZ stylus.

Both of those options would be around $200-$250.00 or so.