Would you Upgrade?

Hi everyone, i'd like to get everyone's opinion on upgrading my set of loudspeakers.

I would be going from a pair of B&W 802D (the first of the diamond models, around 2010) to a pair of Focal Sopra 3's.

Is there much of an upgrade making this change?

I heard the Sopra's at an upscale dealer with a close to perfect setup: speakers about 15 feet from the front wall and about 10 feet from the side walls. Electronics were all Esoteric, including their $44,000 Grandiosa M1 monoblocks, preamp, cd player, power regenerator and $3,800 Cardas clear stereo speaker cables.

I'm not sure if these speakers would sound much different from my current 802D and my humble Classe CAM 100 monoblocks.

Also, how many years do speakers last before they degrade (speaker, crossovers, etc...)

thanks to everyone in advance.
From a tonal perspective, I don't think there is any question that the Classe and Focals will work together.  They also have enough power to drive the Focals without issue.  

You described the demo room, but not your room that I can see.  What does your room look like?  Where will they be placed?  Can you put in treatments if need be?  The Sopra 3s are amazing speakers but aren't going to work in every space.  

It is very possible that upgrading your equipment will make a difference longer term but you should make sure these are the right speakers for your space first.  


“Trouble is, about 15 years ago I changed things up by purchasing a pair of Thiel 3.7’s and they never worked out for me.

If I were to ask myself what I don’t like about my current 802D’s I would say issues with the soundstage and imaging. Vocals tend to wander from center to left to right within the same recording. Soundstage does not seem spacious and as open as I’d like.”

what is it you did not like about the Thiel 3.7? It is the bench mark for a wide soundstage and imaging for me. I had a demo of the 3.7 and 802D2 a long time go switching the two in and out of the same system. My issue with the Thiels for me are the center focus of vocals seemed foggy and the bass was lean for my tastes (like the Sophia 3 better even though it was a “worse” speaker in absolute terms). My issue with the B&W’s is the upper mids wore my ears out quick and the driver integration was bad imo. Both very good though. Just knit picking. 

 I have owned both Thiel and B&Ws. 
I can’t help with the focal but I ask about the Thiels because the focals I have heard are closer to the Thiels than the B&Ws
The Sopra lack low bass based on measurements and I would 100% need subs. I am kicking around the idea of used Sopra 2s for me. I would give the Wilson Yvette a try if you don’t use subs. I see used ones from time to time.
As someone with a Classe SSP-800 and JM Lab Mezzo Utopia's for the last 12 years with no desire to upgrade, I can unequivocally say that Classe and Focal(JM Labs) work together.

However my amps are Jeff Rowland Model 12 MonoBlocks.
I would go for a vintage speaker of american make made before 1979 for a huge upgrade to the newer type speakers you are talking about changed from one new type to another slightly changes the sound but going to a vintage speaker will open up the gates.