@bjesien , No reason a monitor placed on a proper stand with multiple subwoofers can not be very dynamic as long as the room is not too large. In larger rooms line source speakers are going to rule the dynamic roost. I am going to side with douglas_schroeder on this issue. If you want real dyamics, not just bass but things like snare drum snaps and somebody clapping right next to you than power is everything. I am also talking about dynamics at an average 95 dB sound pressure level. Good high power amps have a majestic effortless quality missing in any low power amp. 300B amps on very efficient speakers will go loud (a very colored loud) but they won't go loud with chutzpah even with subwoofers. If you want the absolute best imaging on any system then subwoofer are a necessity. Used with a full two way crossover removing the bass from the main speaker lowers it's distortion levels at volume rather dramatically. Cleaner sound always produces a better image. You will hear people with subwoofers always say that they knew they would get more bass but they never expected the midrange to get so much better. This is why. Next. A good image depends on your ability to localize sounds. This ability is based on volume and phasing (time) between your ears. No two identical speakers will ever have exactly the same frequency response then you put them in different parts of the room and their frequency response becomes even more divergent. As the frequency response differs the balance between the speakers changes shifting the image one way or the other at specific frequencies resulting in a smeared image. The only way to deal with this effectively is room control (really speaker control) Each speaker is measured by calibrated microphone and it's response corrected so that both speakers now have exactly the same frequency response. Then you can create target curves to create the sound you like. People will tell you you can do this with room treatment and that is total hogwash. First of all, you have no idea what is going on until you measure the speakers (a life changing experience). People will tell you they can do this by ear. Also total hogwash. Nobodies hearing is as accurate as a computer and claiming theirs is puts them in the, " I never want to listen to that person category because their ego is bigger than their..."
So, A pair of Harbeths on stands with 4 12" subwoofers and a DEQX Premate (Not that expensive at all!) will easily put you in the ultimate system catagory. Any 100 watt/ch class A amp will do driving the Harbeths. SVS 12" subs will do fine. You will be using the crossover in the DEQX. The subs are also measured and corrected. They should always be placed against a wall or in corners.