BS Node 2i: WiFi or Ethernet..?

Greetings from snowy Chicago.

My rig:

Bluesound Node 2i
Chord Qutest (with Teddy Pardo LPS)
Belles Soloist 1 int am
Dynaudio Special 40s

I stream Tidal mostly and my router is in the same room as my Node in the basement and I have very strong wifi signal.
But, cant direct connect the Node to network w/o running a 15’ cable.

My question:

- Has anyone heard better SQ results by using ethernet connectivity with Node 2i compared to just using WiFi?
- Am curious if using a wireless "access point" then connecting it to Node 2i via ethernet would sound "better".

Any thoughts or experiences out there?


Nice hijack attempt, dude.
Let’s please stick with the topic and you may sell your wears elsewhere. Thanks.

BTW, there are 2-3 direct comparisons out there of the U1 mini and Node 2i and results are inconclusive. One guy MAYBE hears it on headphones but struggles otherwise.

Thinks the differnce may come down to WiFi v Ethernet.

Hence my thread. Now, if you have something to contribute, please feel free. But the stock answer you provided is shallow at best.

"Hey, throw more money at your issue with a more expensive product and it will be better...!.."

wifi is fine if feed is stable, and you do not experience no dropouts

otherwise use ethernet

I’ve read that wired can add noise. Not sure.

Agree on threads not being diverted to sell product. Abuse of forum.
I went from wifi to CAT6 and experienced better SQ. Later I added CAT8 (conductors individually shielded) and could hear further improvement, music was more robust. My system is very revealing.

The most dramatic upgrade was adding an aftermarket power cord to the Node2i.