Piano Notes On Harbeth SHL 5


I heard this speaker recently and the slightly rolled off highs are pleasant to listen to on most recordings. However, one thing seemed to bother me - piano notes seem fat and thick. This seems in contrast to more neutral speakers like Dynaudio where the treble is more extended, rendering piano notes more crisp. I have had people say to me though that they thought the tone of the piano sounded more natural and real on the Harbeth's, so is it only me and do real pianos sound that thick?
A good solo piano recording, such as Herbie Hancock's "The Piano" should help you zero in more on whether or not you think there is an issue. Recording-wise, this is about as perfect as a solo piano recording I know of. Good luck.
AS you know, the piano is a percussion instrument, and before you hear the string tone, you should hear the percussive sound of hammers striking the strings...then the sound of the strings coming off the sounding board should be revealed. I've heard very few systems to be able to reproduce the percussive component of piano sound...and then if you are using vinyl....the string sound should be without fluctuating to the end of its life.
I second the recommendation on the Hancock "Piano" CD.
Remember great CD players sound like ebony and ivory and so/so CD players sound like plastic and Ikea wood.
Nice theories....

back to the Harbeth 5's. They can be extremely tight on the low end and produce a piano gorgeously....it all depends on what gear you have them paired with, what stands they are, and what room they're in, and even cabling...

to say you know the Harbeth sound because you heard them in one setup is not informative. Try them with different things, and you'll hear what I mean.

(for my two cents subjectively, I would think Krell would be dreadful with them, and I hate Dynaudios-do not sound like music. Different characteristics altogether.)
"so is it only me"
No its not only you,IMO if you like the speed,transparency,detail etc of Dynaudio theres really no way to go with Harbeths.Although Ive never owned Harbeths(and never would)Ive listened to them way too many times and always came away with the same impression as what your saying..So no, your not alone