Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else

Hello, I am new to this forum and my mother tongue is not English, so please forgive me if I make mistakes as I use a translator.

I recently bought an XA30.8 and an XP12. I was very happy but as time went by I began to not feel comfortable with the sound.
After doing many tests, I find that the XA30.8 sounds very very sweet but actually too much. I find it to be a loosely defined amp, somewhat muddy and lacks a lot of air and grip. The soundstage is very closed.

The XP-12 is the worst of the two. It is a previous that removes a lot of resolution and information, without transient attacks and sunken mid frequencies. Instead it brings warmth.

Has anyone of you found the same?

If you ask me, I have a Klipsch Cornwall and a dCS BArtok.

Now I want a capable amp, forceful, something warm, decisive, airy and with a great soundstage.

At first I thought of changing my XA30.8 for X250.8, and changing the XP-12 for a second-hand Audio Research Ref5. I am afraid of this change and continue with Pass, since I can go back to the same thing a bit.

On the other hand I have thought of going for a Luxman 900 combo, since it has very good reviews and from what I have read it could be the winning ticket.

Unsound provided perhaps the best bit of advice. Settle on your speakers first.

I've found that Pass, while nice, for me, lacks snap and sparkle and so therefore it lacks engagement. I did hear the INT 250 with the Wilson Yvette and thought it really good, but that was the exception for me. I've heard plenty other Pass equipment. Again, YMMV. Good luck in your journey.
It sounds like the Klipsch and Pass just don't get along.  

I've been battling with different amps for the past few years and have gone from Krell, to Musical Fidelity, to Hegel and have landed on Coda.  

Check out the Coda offerings.  The continuum TS, or the 8, can be configured with an 18 watt class A bias and is neutral/ slightly warm sounding.  The only difference between the two - one has meters and the other doesn't.  I have the TS and see no reason to upgrade unless I win a lottery. Below is a great review  


If your budget allows the next step up (and it is a HUGE step up) check out the Coda 16.  I have not heard it, but if you are thinking of new speakers and amp, it may be a consideration.   


Good luck!
Don’t worry about price!

 3000$ speakers, 400$ amp

 550$ speakers, 7500$ amp.

 Don’t matter. Enjoy.

 My amps were 10K new, driving a 3K speaker pair. (Paid 400$ pair new)
Basement system is 4500$ amps w a 125$ pair used speakers. 

Computer system is 200$ Yammy  receiver w early 90’s BIC Ventura’s hooked to technics sl1200 mkII W ortofon Arkiv Concorde to record LPs’ to computer to record to CD.

 BUT,.......a nice 250W - 300W amp is a must.

under 250 W you will clip if you like volume, plus you will lose the ease and transition from soft passages to a sudden peak of ....ROCK, or orchestral, classical, whatever you listen to. 
How about a VanAlstine? It might pair well with Klipsch. I have had a Synergy 450 for a number of years, which I loved, and just upgraded to a pair of his DVA 850 monblocks. VanAlstine pices are most reasonable IMHO.