Russian Tube Preamp, No Return, Here I go again

I decided to risk it, Russian, no return. (he accepted my $400. offer, so $500. delivered).

Gives me tubes in my office system.

I just read something:

People don’t want advice, just confirmation

I’m not looking for either (this time), just thought some of you would find it funny and wish me luck.

I’m 72, it may arrive before my 75th birthday
Just hope you get your blues before your sunset.
OR you forget where the office is.
Thanks to the O.P. for an entertaining thread--and a great attitude about audio in general.

Example: "I decided I would try to have Oriental Patience from then on."
fuzztone; desktopguy

thank you both for your humor.

Just yesterday I thought, hey, where are those L-Pads I ordered. I returned the Pots I ordered by mistake.

Checked, it would have been a long time, I left them in the cart, never ordered them.
I'm 77, so if this doesn't work out for you; for $500.00 plus $30.00 shipping you can purchasing from the USA ( the SP10 Preamp with remote control.  It's made in China; another adversary or enemy depending on your personal view. I have one and it sounds fantastic. It is very well made.  I've had more costly one that doesn't sound any better. You might wonder why people pay so much for brand name preamps. PEACE.