Turntable help, please!

I'm at a turntable fork-in-the-road - any advice appreciated. 

I'm looking to add vinyl (mostly my older albums, average condition, that have been stored for 20 years or so) to my system (Primaluna EVO integrated, Schitt DAC, Fritz speakers, Cambridge CD transport).  I've got a Denon DP-30L from the 80s that works fine with an old, probably inexpensive Grado cartridge (no model identifiers, silver body, black front).  Should I clean it up and use it (thinking cable replacement, motor service) or head into the brave new world of contemporary tables?  If keeping, should I replace the cartridge, and what would be appropriate to match the table?  I'd like to stay MM or high-output MC

In current gear, I'd appreciate recommendations for a new turntable.  A quick look indicates a lot of nice equipment in the $1500 range that would seem to suit the overall level of my system, though I could be persuaded to up the budget for clear improvement.  Used is fine.
Thanks for any advice!
Clearaudio Concept is what I’d do at that price. A lot of table technology there. Probably more than you’ll get from any other manufacturer sub $2k. 
I had the Marantz TT 15-S1 (built by Clearaudio) also in that price range and enjoyed it. Recommend. 
+1 on the Clearaudio Concept and Marantz TT 15S1. I have both and they are sold performers. 
I encourage you to try the refurbished route first.  

If you don't enjoy listening to vinyl - I'm sure someone would be happy to purchase your refurbished table for more than it cost to refurbish.

About 5-10 years ago I dusted off my Dual turntable and had it 'tuned up' and used it enough to have me explore other upgrading the cartridge.  Ultimately I went with buying a Rega table and traded in the Dual for more than the refurbishment and what I bought the table for new in the '80s.
+1 on this. I would get a new stylus. An old worn stylus may damage your records. After that you can decide if you want something new

I would definitely clean up the Denon and see how it sounds. If you are unsure of the stylus and think it needs replacement, get a replacement stylus."