The guru on fuses:

For two years, I have asked why and how fuses could possibly matter. All I got was arguments of faith, pro or con. I needed a real audio guru who actually knows. Here is a link from John Curl’s discussion on Parasound’s website. He engineered and designed some some great equipment, including some Mark Levinson gear, The Grateful Dead’s 30 plus McIntosh amp powered Wall of Sound, and his admittedly, somewhat price compromised Parasound designs. He discusses the electrical properties of standard fuses, showing how they are compromised. The entire article is quite enlightening, but to skip to the fuse section, go to the bottom half of page 6.

See, SEE, I told you guys... Neener, neener, neener...

Itty bitty shitty wire is bad. I told you that...

6-25.00 dollar fuses.. It can’t be floppin’ in the wind so to speak..

I like the 1.00 busman, TOO. Just not a lot of places. Where I can’t hear it. Perfect...

I have Infinity RS2Bs. LOL I've had them a LONG time. They have 4 fuses each..
Every two years new fuses, unless you want to hear BAD by year 3. Cheap busman 1 dollar fuses.
It's been 3 years sense I used them.. I use to put a dab of silicone on the fuse sides.

Time to feed the chickens...
Who cares what others say and do......that is their business. If you want to experience reality......then you need to have a direct experience. Talking about something is is meaningless. Only direct experience is real. If you want to know about fuses, directionality, wire, or anything then you need to listen to have ANY real knowledge. This is how it always was and always will be. You cannot argue with my experience......I cannot argue with yours. Your and my experience is real.....for us individually. This is all that matters.......Do you want to be happy with your stereo? Then listen and make choices that make you happy. Pretty darn simple. If you are waiting for someone else to to verify your realiy......well, good luck with that.

So, again.....what you have is people who have direct experience (real knowledge) and those that don’t and want to argue (be right). i took this class in Jr. College called marriage and family. The first thing the prof did was draw a line on the chalk board straight across the whole thang. He wrote on the left side "ego" and on the other end of the line he wrote "agape". He said the farther you are on the line to the right the more happy you will be and the more successful you will be in everything you do. This is the basic truth for all life. The more you act from ego (righteousness, judgment, separation, fighting, being critical, chest pounding, etc.) the more unhappy you are and the more you come from agape (unconditional love, caring, sacrifice, telling the truth, wanting others to be happy) then the more happy you are and the more you make a difference to the happiness of others. Pretty darn simple. So, do you want to argue and be right or be happy and bless others? choose every second. You are powerful. You are deserve to be happy. Choose is more FUN!
Allnoise, stop being such a nong.
Wow Georgie. I bet that goes over big with the crowd of 12 year olds you hang out with. Doesn’t that violate the terms of your parole agreement?

All the best,

Hear ya go George if you can understand this read..

Jon Dahlquist was the speaker designer Debbie Miles my seismologist friend coined the phrase interfering energy as we both have designed products that reduce a polarity of shear.

Shear does return to the source and therefore generates interference. Shear is how a speaker works.Some energy moves straight off the center of the cone or membrane. The rest moves on both sides and thru the cone..and guess watt it hits the surround and the frame and returns back down the cone and interferes with the note that's coming its way. And it also bounces off the dust cap.. A head on collision...same goes for your audio room. The world is not just compressive it is also shear.
Shear upon impact is like breaking all the balls when playing pool. Energy goes everywhere and into the next material boundary..

Try this on.
Your fuse element is included..its there if you have eyes and a mind.