Russian Tube Preamp, No Return, Here I go again

I decided to risk it, Russian, no return. (he accepted my $400. offer, so $500. delivered).

Gives me tubes in my office system.

I just read something:

People don’t want advice, just confirmation

I’m not looking for either (this time), just thought some of you would find it funny and wish me luck.

I’m 72, it may arrive before my 75th birthday

My Cayin A88T integrated amp is made in China, first rate, sounds terrific. Politically I'm a 'One World' type.

thanks for the link, seems like he/they know what they are doing.

SP10 may sound good, but I would order his SP14 K1 with remote, assembled, probably go for the pricey mundorf caps.

It has separate left/right gain, a nice feature when using mono blocks.
In my opinion, that AI Modulus is a bit overpriced, as it does not include a built-in phono stage.  As such, it would not even fulfill your needs. The one worth having would be the 3A version with a phono stage designed by John Curl (if memory serves).  That one on eBay is worth a few hundred bucks, tops.  Again, in my opinion.