I have been wanting to try using a tube amp.

I have been wanting to try using a tube amp. I am using a McIntosh 6700 solid state. It seems with work and family things that the best I can get most days is maybe 1 hour of music listening with no distractions. If I have to wait 30 minutes for a tube amp to come to temp for best sound, I think I will feel shortchanged. Should I go for it anyway. I have been looking at Raven Audio. I like their cables, but would be rolling the dice, as their is no way to hear the amp in person. Any constructive advice.
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Read the reviews, you will not be disappointed. Nighthawk is a pretty good step up from Blackhawk, it uses all their higher end caps. Also has a higher quality four step powder coat finish. Warm-up is no big deal, turn on when you get home, let it run however long. People who obsess over every hour as if their precious tubes are dying minute by minute are OCD. Besides, Raven, first 30 seconds stone cold sounds better than any ss amp. And it only gets better from there.

Incredible build quality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcd76DZmbdY&t=302s

What loudspeakers are you running? This can have an big effect on the results you get from a tube amp. Generally speaking, a speaker that is 8 ohms or more (particularly in the bass region) and is of reasonable efficiency (+90dB) will show off the amplifier better!