What makes speaker's sound big?

Does a speaker need to have many drivers or a large driver area to sound big and fill the room?
I am asking this question because I have a pair of tekton design double impact and would like to replace them with smaller speakers and a pair of subwoofer's to better integrate the bass into my room.
I just borrowed a set of B&W 702S. The are good but the just don't make that floor to ceiling sound that I like.
Maybe I have already answered my own question (: But again I have not heard all the speakers out there.
My room measure 15x19' and the ceiling goes from 7.5 to 12.8'


i agree with you

each speaker design, even ones purporting to be cost no object or state of the art, has inherent tradeoffs. strengths and weaknesses

let’s not confuse a speaker set sounding ’big’ with them sounding ’real’ - i.e. like real musicians playing live music

stereos largely downscale and recast the recorded music

someone wisely said -- ’it all sounds fake... we are all just picking the flavor of fake that we happen to enjoy’...
let’s not confuse a speaker set sound big with sound like real music playing live

stereo’s largely miniaturize the sound

someone said ’it all sounds fake... we are all just picking the flavor of fake that we enjoy’...
That is another debate....It is not the precise question of the OP.... How a sound could fill the room ?

Not, how a live performance could be equal to a stereo system ?.... It cannot.... It is like caned tuna and real tuna around a boat.... The same fish not the same recipe.... 😊

It seems i answered your post too speedily.... I apologize jjss49  ...

And you are right all speakers need their own space and needs...

My best to you.....

«There is love and there is love over the phone»-Groucho Marx
Sildenafil cable co.. takes about 40 min but then the soundstage really increases. Look em up
Meh, that is low fi budget constrained. Everyone knows the best cables are good for at least 72 hours.
yes, but there are those fleeting moments..when that flylined anchovie is swimming beyond ability....count it down....three, two, one....flick the lever drag.....and bang ! Tuna in the can...

IF your reference is well recorded acoustic event in reverberant space and you were there, then moving the illusion ( fleeting as it may be ) is possible, all else is just arguing about which flavor you like. Any 70’s to ? multi-track from Alan Parsons will do.....