a common approach for sure but until you try one you will not understand the impact a preamp with gain stage has on overall sound.
your amp is not at its full potential until it receives a powerful, dynamic signal which requires gain.
having had several amps and preamps as well as integrated amps with passive preamps, a quality preamp can literally wake up a sleepy sounding amp. it is much more than a source switcher.
even though the a21 is not balanced, it will take advantage of balanced preamps which offer more gain with lower noise.
this is the best way to take your system to a much higher level even though your direction is a different approach currently.
your amp is not at its full potential until it receives a powerful, dynamic signal which requires gain.
having had several amps and preamps as well as integrated amps with passive preamps, a quality preamp can literally wake up a sleepy sounding amp. it is much more than a source switcher.
even though the a21 is not balanced, it will take advantage of balanced preamps which offer more gain with lower noise.
this is the best way to take your system to a much higher level even though your direction is a different approach currently.