@hilde45 Good post. I agree about the importance of communication. I was in business most of my life and put a strong emphasis on it. But its a lot of work. I was taught that when you tell someone you are going to do something, you DO IT or you call and tell them why you can’t. It is hard to believe that in an age where so many vehicles for communication exist yet, communication is so lacking.
EDIT I should also say that today, many customers expect W-a-y more than they pay for. Were I the OP, I'd just have got my $$ back and been quiet. His 1st post is not a good way to introduce himself on a BB. Seems more revenge than pure info
EDIT I should also say that today, many customers expect W-a-y more than they pay for. Were I the OP, I'd just have got my $$ back and been quiet. His 1st post is not a good way to introduce himself on a BB. Seems more revenge than pure info