The odd thing is that 120hz didn’t seem to be there when there’s no signal. This weekend I’ll do some more measuring, there’s been a lot of good hypotheses about what it could be. I’ll run a test tone at 60hz to see if it’s a harmonic, more mic’ing of the room with no signal playing to see if it’s environmental, and with different sources to make sure it’s not an artefact being produced by my DAC or integrated amp.
@rego placement is the correct way to solve this, unfortunately the speakers are quite large and the room allows limited movement of the listening position or the speakers themselves.
Good news is I got in touch with PSI and am in the process of arranging for an in-home trial of the AVAA C20, which could be a good, if expensive, solution to my troubles.
I’m also planning on a few other measurement trials this weekend with different placement of my bass traps, this thread’s given me a ton of ideas thank you all for your thoughtful responses.
@rego placement is the correct way to solve this, unfortunately the speakers are quite large and the room allows limited movement of the listening position or the speakers themselves.
Good news is I got in touch with PSI and am in the process of arranging for an in-home trial of the AVAA C20, which could be a good, if expensive, solution to my troubles.
I’m also planning on a few other measurement trials this weekend with different placement of my bass traps, this thread’s given me a ton of ideas thank you all for your thoughtful responses.